Hello everyone, my name is Alex Brandy and I am the owner of Ascend Experience LLC. I am so excited to take this adventure as we enter a new decade, and I cannot wait to see where this journey leads.
I wanted to take a moment to share a little bit about my story, and how it led me to create Ascend. I was always very active growing up, I participated in dance classes 5 nights a week, and participated in karate, hiking, snowboarding, and always loved to be outdoors. My love for fitness developed in college as I fell in love with going to the gym and learning how to fuel my body with proper nutrition.
However, in 2014 disaster struck. I took a ski trip to Vermont, and on the final pass of the day I fell and ended up tearing my ACL and needed invasive reconstructive surgery that took almost a full year to rehab properly. I was told by surgeons I would never dance again and that I would never get full strength back in my leg based on how severe the injury was. At first I was devastated, but I was determined to not allow this injury to stop me. While I recovered from the surgery, I studied hard and obtained my Certified Personal Training certificate through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and have been helping clients, family, and friends with their health and wellness goals ever since.
Throughout the past 6 years I have helped hundreds transform their lives. Everything from one-on-one sessions, to 8 week transformation challenges, to nutrition programs, group exercise classes, and even virtual training. I has been an absolute honor helping every single one of my clients through the sweat, the smiles, and the tears, to help them through the struggles and to celebrate them for the victories. I have obtained several additional certifications including the NASM Precision Nutrition Certification, NCCPT Group Exercise Certification, NCCPT Weight Management Certification, and the Holistic Fitness Specialty Certification through the Academy of Holistic Fitness. And having gone through such a painful and lingering injury, although one of the toughest challenges I've faced, equipped me with the knowledge and experience to help others through injury recovery and prevention. Clients with arthritis along the spine, back and neck injuries, vertigo, knee replacements, etc. have all developed strength, pain relief, and just an overall higher quality of life through my personalized programs, and I feel very lucky to have positively impacted their lives.
The ability to help people is so special to me, and that is exactly why I started Ascend. Being healthy and feeling good is so important in this fast paced, technology driven world that we live in, and I am here to help you set goals, reach milestones, and to motivate you to reach higher. If you'd like to learn more about me and Ascend or want to schedule a consultation, please email me at connect@ascendexperience.com.
